Storms of 21st and 22nd Oct 2005

Storms of 21st and 22nd Oct 2005

21st Oct 2005
051021 --- 1930 - 2200EST, Active Storm came in from west across Campbelltown and sthrn Sydney,
I watched and videoed it from home for short while before driving down towards Wollongong.
I intercepted the tail of the storm ~ 15k N of Wollongong.
Didn’t get any photos from that area as the storm was well out to sea by then

22nd Oct 2005
There were several storm cells that passed over the Sydney region during the mid afternoon.
The initial one that we chased went across nthrn Sydney and out over the nthrn beaches area.
We encountered some brief heavy rain but couldnt find suitable clear view locations to
stop on Monavale Rd to take photos. so no pix for this cell.

Heading home and nearing Top Ryde we could see a large cell in the distance.

We went up onto the Top Ryde carpark for a better view and over the next 20 minutes as it passed over
south Sydney it started to develop some reasonable looking structure, with a decent gustfront/shelfcloud.
It did produce a good number of intense cg's.

We did go on to chase this storm but gave up after some 30 mins as we realised we just
wouldnt catch up with it when trying to negotiate metro traffic.

Late afternoon another cell emerged in the SW but it didnt really get its act together
This photo from home in Blaxland Rd, Ryde

copyright Dave Nelson 2005

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