Storms of 20 Oct 2006

Storms of 20 Oct 2006

Mt Annan and SW Sydney, NSW

Cindy was with me for the work day which took us to Mt Annan first off. For lunchbreak we headed
towards Camden to have a clear westerly view and watch/photo the growing atmospheric instability.

After 2 hours and another job the weather turned rough with heavy rainshowers and a well established cell
moving NE towards Sydney. We chased it back up the motorway to Liverpool. Wet road and heavy traffic
made it impossible to chase any further as the storm got too far ahead of us.
It was interesting to watch the cell base periodically alternate between ragged and smooth as seen below.
There was some CG lightning, not exactly wildly active. No hail seen in the areas I was travelling through.

copyrite Dave Nelson 2007
Created 24 Aug 2007

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