CHANNEL ABBREV.: HB... home brew; COM... commercial; TEL... telemetry; SG... Shackleford-Gundersen F/B... Forced Balance; SP... short period <5 Sec; LP... long period >5 Sec; LPF... low pass filter V... vertical; H-N... horizontal-north/south; H-E.... horizontal-east/west; H... high gain >2000; M... medium gain 500 - 2000; L... low gain <500 SDR = Seismic Data Recorder; WQ = Winquake NOTE: In an effort to stop email addy harvesting for spamming, I have removed the active email addy. Instead there is just a text version along with extra text in the addy that needs to be removed after the addy is copied and pasted into your email prog. remove the word ... antispam ... from the addy before sending.
NAME: Larry Cochrane (1) E-MAIL: H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Redwood City STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 37.496N 122.241W Channel Info: See RWC Station Infomation A TO D: Two 16-Bit WinSDR systems with GPS timing
NAME: Fred Bruenjes U-Aug2004 (2) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Ramona (near San Diego) STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 32.994N 116.822W CH1: HB; H-N,LP, 12 sec Lehman (FB0) CH2: HB; H-N,S,L; ADXL05 A TO D: HB, based on a 12 bit ADS7824 chip; custom software, WQ
NAME: David F. Nelson A-July2008 (3) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Rolling Hills Estates STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 33.78963 N 118.36549 W CME 4111 3 axis Broadband 60 seconds (Russian) FMES Horizontal Broadband East ( 3 hz to 30 seconds ) FMES Horizontal Broadband North ( 3 hz to 30 seconds ) 2 Channels for each FMES ---- High and Low gain for Dynamic range Russian ( Soviet Era) CM-3 1/2 Hz geophone modified to Force Balance 30 sec broadband (experimental ) A TO D: PSN A/D 8 Channels 50 sps (configured as server ); GPS time reference GND TYPE: COMMENTS: My primary interest is instrument development . The FMES (Fluid Mass Electrolytic Seismometer ) is a very respectable and extremely simple horizontal instrument with no mechanical moving parts. It is background limited even in very quiet locations such as rural Panama where it is currently operating side by side with a Trillium 40. A Force Balance Vertical is in the works based on a very simple design. Electronics are being tested in the CM-3. Expect operational tests within the month. More on this activity later. I will be bringing a second 8 channel system on line soon. It will include a 3 axis 1 Hz geophone and various broadband sensors ,experimental and professional, possibly including a Trillium 40. Exact configuration of both systems when second A/D is brought on line is still undecided.
NAME: Dave Nelson VK2TDN (4) E-MAIL: H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Ryde, Sydney STATE/PROV: NSW COUNTRY: Australia LAT/LONG: 33 : 48 : 40.15S 151 : 06 : 24.3E Offline from 24 jan 2000 till i set up in Sydney, Australia as of APR. 2008 still offline, marriage came b4 a seismic station haha and moving between several rental homes also hasn't helped in last few years
NAME: Gary Lindgren A-Aug2008 (5) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Palo Alto STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 37.444721584N 122.151034264W CH1: HB; 23 sec Lehman; using Chapman magnet system (rare earth magnet material). A TO D: WinSDR recording and WinQuake analysis GND TYPE: Gravels COMMENTS: Seismometer located in basement, ~ 6 ft below grade on concrete floor. Under concrete is 6” crushed ¾” rock on top of gravel base. Located about 2 miles from busy freeway. See traffic noise from 6 AM to 11 PM and quieter on weekends.
NAME: Roger Griggs (6) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Oakley STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 37.98N 121.72W CH1: HB; 15 sec Lehman (Amatuer Seismologist AS-1) A TO D: 16 bit SDR with WWW time corr GND TYPE: young Alluvium, sandy loam (Holocene)
NAME: Gregory A. Lyzenga (7) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Altadena STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 34.20N 118.13W CH1: HB; 15 Sec Lehman; L,H-N,H; amplif. ~ 2000x using 3-pole Butterworth filter A TO D: homebrew/kit 8 bit 1 SPS by homebrew Macintosh software GND TYPE: Thick alluvial fan deposits at the foot of the San Gabriel Mts of sthrn Calif. COMMENTS: On concrete floor in detached garage.
NAME: Dennis Leatart (8) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Moorpark STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: U.S.A. LAT/LONG: 34.1 N 118.88 W CH1: Ranger vertical seismometer. A TO D: AS1 ADC GND TYPE: Shale
NAME: Bob Teller (9) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Townsend STATE/PROV: Montana COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 46.19N 111.3W CH1: COM; V; GeoTech; all sensors are placed on a large concrete slab CH2: COM; H-N; GeoTech CH3: COM; H-E; GeoTech A TO D: 12 bit SDR GND TYPE: soil over ancient riverbed
NAME: Charlie Thompson U-Aug2004 (10) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Buda (near Austin) STATE/PROV: Texas COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 30.112N 97.891W CH1: HB; L; H-E; Lehman; P = 14 sec .BUE CH2: N/S 5 sec. Lehman soon A TO D: 16 bit SDR with WWW time corr GND TYPE: 1m of caliche limestone and clay over bedrock. Caliche limestone is a white, soft limestone unique to this region of Texas...also known as "Buda chalk"
NAME: Lucas Haag (11) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Bartley STATE/PROV: Nebraska COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 40.13N 100.29W CH1: building station with plans from Forrest Mims III and plan on using used geophones
NAME: Kees Verbeek (12) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Eindhoven STATE/PROV: N-Brabant COUNTRY: Netherlands LAT/LONG: 51.26 N 5.30 E CH1: Bosch mecanical (1908) contineous since 1994 (no filter just damped (air) DRUM: mecanical rotating drum (smoked paper) GND TYPE: Deep soft soils COMMENTS: planning to make a portable seismograph
NAME: Bob Hammond U-Aug2004 (13) E-MAIL: (remove "greeneggsandspam" before sending ) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Fairbanks STATE/PROV: Alaska COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 64.921N, 147.937W My Station: GSV (Goldstream Valley, Alaska): CH1: COM HG; S,V,H; 1 second vertical, Mark Products L4 (this is GSV) CH2: COM BB; B,V,H; Broadband, Geotech BB-13 (this is GSV-BB) CH3: PPD UAF TEL; S,V,H; Porcupine Dome, 65.5167N, 145.5167W CH4: CCB UAF TEL; S,V,H; Clear Creek Butte, 64.6467N,147,8055W CH5: WRH UAF TEL; S,V,H; Wood River Hill, 64.6467N,147,8055W A to D: PSN-ADC-12, 0-66db amplifier with a 0.05 to 20 Hz, 4-pole Bessel LPF CLOCK: Motorola GT + Oncore GPS Clock SOFTWARE: SDR and WQ. Kinemetrics software for strong motion data analysis GND TYPE: ~0.5m of soil over schist. COMMENTS: Also run a Kinemetrics K2 Altus Strong Motion Recorder, 3-axis, 24-bit A/D.
NAME: George Bush U-Aug2004 (14) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: The Sea Ranch STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 38.73775N 123.408882W 30m AMSL CH1: COM; H-N; 9 Sec Geotech 8700C .SRN CH2: COM; H-E; 20 Sec Geotech 8700C .SRE CH3: COM; V; 10Hz; Geosource g/phone .SRZ A TO D: SDR 16 bit; running SDR 4.0, GPS locked DRUM: Yes STRIP CHART: Yes GND TYPE: Alluvium ~3m thick above bedrock, 300m inland from the Pacific Ocean COMMENTS: on concrete slab (garage)
NAME: Barry Lotz U-July2008 (15) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Grass Valley STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 39.218 N 121.081 W CH1: 36" lehman CH2: 12" horiz with stm coil, magnet and feedback CH3: 12" stm style vertical CH4: 9" vertical accelerometer w/vrdt sensor CH5: 30" stm style vertical A TO D: Larry C's serial system with winsdr COMMENTS: Beginning work on more compact vertical feedback sensor and solar/battery power
NAME: Brian Zimmerman (16) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Edinboro STATE/PROV: Pennsylvania COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 41.875N 80.125W CH1: AS1; V; P = 3 sec (purchased from Jeff Batten) CH2: HB; H-N Lehman; P = 10 sec CH3: HB; H-E Lehman; P = 10 sec GND TYPE: 1.5m thick concrete floor which is underlain by 50 - 100m of glacial tills and outwash COMMENTS: Seismograms may be viewed at: the above URL
NAME: Phil Giannini (17) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: SAN FRANCISCO STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 37.72N 122.416W SYSTEM 1.... AT HOME LOCATION CH1: HB; H-N; Lehman; P = 10 Sec .SFN CH2: HB; V; P = 3 Sec .SFZ CH3: COM; V; .1 ~ 50Hz Kinemetrics SSA2 .SMZ CH4: SOON HB; H-E; Lehman; >10 Sec .SFE A TO D: PC-LABS 711S; SDR 1.7; WWV locked OTHER: Kinemetrics SSA-2, has its own recording system PSN compatible The system has 3 strong motion sensors N,E,Z, one of which goes to SDR SYSTEM 2.... LOCATION: (Workplace) San Fransisco, Calif., USA; 37.75N 122.415W CH1: HB; V; P = 0.5 Sec .TVZ CH2: HB; H-N; LEHMAN; P = 9 Sec .TVN A TO D: PC-LABS; SDR 1.7 not time locked SYSTEM 3... LOCATION: (Oakland Airport) Oakland, Calif., USA; 37.70N 122.2W CH1,2,3: Kinemetrics SSA-2 recorders N,E,Z strong motion sensors. Not locked .SFN ; .SFZ ; .CMB
NAME: Steve Hammond U-Aug2004 (18) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: PSN San Jose, California TOWN/CITY: Aptos STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 36.983N 121.900W CH1: H-N; Lehman; P = 12 sec .AT1 CH2: H-E; Lehman; P = 12 sec .AT2 Ch3: 2 sec g/phone Z .AT3 Ch4: 2 sec g/phone N .AT4 Ch5: 2 sec g/phone E .AT5 A to D: 16 bit serial SDR board Drum: yes GND Type: Bedrock Comments: The old Falon Station in San Jose file extensions FSX, FSZ, FS1, FS2 are retired and the equipment has been moved on 11/1/99 to this location in Aptos, Calif. The new Aptos site is located 6 km from the epicenter site of the 1989 Loma Prieta event.
NAME: Roger Sorensen (19) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Chatsworth STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 34.16N 118.36W CH1: HB; N/S; ADXL05 based strong motion sensor (+/-1 G) CH2: HB; E/W; " " CH3: COM; V; 4.5Hz Geophone, GeoSpace Co. A TO D: 10Mhz PC-AT with DAS08/JR AtoD board running EMON GND TYPE: Mostly Sand Stone
NAME: Frank Cooper W5VID U-Aug2004 (20) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Friendswood, (sth of Houston, on the Gulf) STATE/PROV: Texas COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 29.52N 95.17W CH1: Modified Lehman; P = 20 sec; FC1 CH2: T-max modified Lehman, p = 20 sec; FC2 CH3: Vertical, p = 1 sec; FC3 A TO D: 16-bit WinSdr with WWV time correction OTHER: 2 x Esterline-Angus chart recorder GND TYPE: Unconsolidated Gulf Coast Sediments
NAME: Ken Navarre (21) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Sunnyvale STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 37.39N 121.99W CH1: Lehman CH2: USGS; TEL CH3: USGS; TEL A TO D: PCLAB 711s; SDR
NAME: Chris Chapman U-June2008 (22) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Nr. Chichester STATE/PROV: West Sussex COUNTRY: UK LAT/LONG: 50.92N 0.66W 120m AMSL CH1-3: L15B 3 component geophone+ low frequency extension to 0.5 Hz CH4: 1.4 Sec Nuova Elettronica pendulum + LVDT sensor / HallEffect.linear CH4 Alt : Lehman; N-S; ~ 30sec; HallEffect.linear, Optical, LVDT, or coil & magnet CH UK Developement AS1 type seismometer. Period 1 sec to 20 sec. NdFeB quad Magnet + Copper plate 0.7 critical damping A TO D: 6smowin A/D Board and software: 4 channel 16 bit +/-1/2 lsb Analysis by 6smowin or WinQuake. (See TIMING : DCF77 long wave radio correction hourly to A/D Converter on-board clock (HKW Electronic module See GROUND TYPE: 500ft of solid Chalk over clay and alluvium. COMMENTS: Teleseismic records are ~OK. Some problems with vehicles on a main road with a road drain on a sharp corner 100 yds away. Chalk tends to move / heave as it hydrates with rain. Exposed site is sensitive to strong winds.
NAME: Jack Sandgathe (23) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Kaleden STATE/PROV: British Columbia COUNTRY: Canada LAT/LONG: 49.35N 119.62W CH1: In the process of building an S-G system. I have one instrument built A TO D: deciding which design to build GND TYPE: Shale bedrock COMMENTS: A pier outside my shop 2' x 2'. IBM XT with 15MB HDD dedicated to data gathering
NAME: Steve Clark (24) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Salem STATE/PROV: Oregon COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 44.99N 122.96W CH1: AS-1 Vertical A TO D: AS-1 purchased from Jeff Batten-in process of being updated with new software 286 PC GND TYPE: Concrete slab with clay soil underneath Willamette Valley (East Side) COMMENTS: Approx. 20 km from Spring Break Quake (5.7-March '93)
NAME: Jeff Batten (Research Engineer, Caltech Seismo Lab. Pasadena, Ca.) (25) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Pasadena STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 34.13 N 118.12 W CH1: AS1; 3 sec V; 20 sec LPF XT computer 8 Bit A/D-AS serial CH2: AS1; 3 sec V; 20 sec LPF 286 Laptop 12 bit A/D-serial CH3: 6 sec lehman; 20 sec LPF 586 Pent 12 bit A/D-serial OTHER: AS1; V; 20 sec LPF to drum recorder GND TYPE: 100's of metres of sediment LA Basin COMMENTS: Hobbies- Soloing Big Walls in Yosemite when my wife lets me. Feeling large magnitude quakes at close range. :) Borrego Springs 1968 6.6 @ 2 km Northridge 1994 6.7 @ 5km
NAME: Tom Frey U-Aug2004 (26) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Lakewood STATE/PROV: Washington COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 47.17N 122.49W CH1: USGS TEL; (RMS); 47.461N 121.805W CH2: USGS TEL; (PB1); 47.352N 122.591W CH3: 10 Sec Lehman (LK1); 47.170N 122.49W CH4: USGS TEL; (GM1); 47.542N 122.785W A TO D: ACL-8111; SDR OTHER: strip chart 25.4 mm/sec triggered at event time runs for 1.5 mins/trigger
NAME: Darrell Collins (27) (27) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Scottsdale STATE/PROV: Arizona COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 33.5N 111.9W CH1: COM; Melton V; Model 10012 ~7sec Geotech CH2: COM; N; Lehman; Model 8700A ~9sec Geotech CH3: COM; E; Lehman; Model 8700A ~9sec Geotech CH4: N-S Magnetometer CH5: E-W Magnetometer CH6: Metero, Local wind speed CH7: Metero, Local baro pressure CH8: Metero, Local temp A TO D: Homebrew, DAS-08, Demo; 33MHZ 486 with a 200 Meg HDD for logging, WWV card updates the system clock every 6hr. plan on getting a SDR GND TYPE: mostly unconsolidated alluvium, in a valley ~ 80 x 240 km, was once a shallow sea COMMENTS: magnetometers are fun. I had a bunch of wire and the rebar, and put the stuff together after the SA article came out. The metero stuff is part of a weather station and will get moved to another machine oneday. Also have 3 other seismos, I think, are strong motion units. 2 Horiz and a vert. I have no data on these and someday would like to play with these too.
NAME: Bill Scolnik (28) (28) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Oakland STATE/PROV: New Jersey COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 41.05N 74.25W CH1: COM; N; 20 sec LP Geotech 8700C CH2: COM; E; 20 sec LP Geotech 8700C CH3: COM; V; 20 sec LP Geotech 7505A CH4: COM; V; 1 sec SP Johnson-Matheson 6480 A TO D: SDR DRUM: Sprengnether VR-60 COMMENTS: Seismometers are located outside on a 4'x4'x3' concrete slab.
NAME: Walt Catino (29) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Portland STATE/PROV: Oregon COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 45.42N 123.04W CH1: N; Mod. Wood-Anderson CH2: E; Mod. Wood-Anderson CH3: Cheapie 15 Hz V g/phone A TO D: 12 bit SDR DRUM: Kinematics drum with timecode ticks GND TYPE: mosty clay with rock down below
NAME: Dick Webb (30) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Raleigh STATE/PROV: North Carolina COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 35.54 N 78.39 W CH1: Spregnether 1Hz Borehole CH2: HB; Lehman; P = 14 sec A TO D: 12 bit SDR, Larry C's pre-amp. DRUM: Sitting in the garage awaiting my converting it. GND TYPE: Vault is located on slightly weathered schist bedrock COMMENTS: been running my LP off and on for 8 years.
NAME: Steve Hansen (31) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Amherst STATE/PROV: New Hampshire COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 42.5N 71.4W CH1: 0.2 mmHg (full scale) microbarograph, H with commercial capacitance manometer A TO D: PCL711s; SDR COMMENTS: Temporarily inactive to add inlet noise reduction pipes. Larry thought it appropriate for me to respond even though I don't have a seismograph running (yet). So, to pave the way for folks who want to operate a microbarograph station:
NAME: Malcolm Sinclair (32) E-MAIL: Via Dave Nelson TOWN/CITY: Christchurch STATE/PROV: Canterbury COUNTRY: New Zealand LAT/LONG: 43.55S 172.68E CH1: COM; S,H-E,M; Geo Space GS11-D 4.5Hz geophone embedded in a 5 kg mass of lead DRUM: Standard rotating drum, 15 min/Rev., capillary ink pen and paper GND TYPE: V. Soft soils, high water table COMMENTS: All Equip. except seismometer, supplied by Dave Nelson
NAME: Dunedin Civil Defense HQ (33) E-MAIL: Via Dave Nelson TOWN/CITY: Dunedin STATE/PROV: Otago COUNTRY: New Zealand LAT/LONG: 45.6S 170.4E CH1: COM; S,H-E,M; Geo Space GS20-DX 8Hz geophone mounted on 2m thick concrete basement flr A TO D: 12 bit SDR and Winquake GND TYPE: Solid rock COMMENTS: Installed by Dave Nelson
NAME: David Wolny U-Apr2007 (34) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Grand Junction STATE/PROV: Colorado COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 39.091N 108.487W CH1: COM; V; LP; Teledyne A TO D: SDR and WQ GND TYPE: seismometer has been placed on top of a piling that has been driven to bedrock
NAME: Charlie Rond (35) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: or TOWN/CITY: Memphis STATE/PROV: Tennessee COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 35.041N 89.840W (GPS-surveyed) CH1: HB; H-N; Lehman; P = 10 sec .RM1 A TO D: 12 bit, 4 ch. IBM Data Acquisition and Control Adapterboard. Pete Rowe-designed, Steve Hammond-built 75-100db amplifier with 10.5 Hz LPF Software: EMON, running on a IBM PC, 10Mb drive, 640k RAM. DOS clock updated daily. (Error rate is ~ +- 1 sec/day) and WQ GND TYPE: Bolts to concrete slab which sits on thick soil of unknown depth. Our soil is generally a mixture of loess and clay. The bedrock is probably deeper than 6m COMMENTS: Public Seismic Network-Memphis (901) 360-0302 [ free BBS ]
NAME: Peter Styles, Sam Toon (36) E-MAIL: or (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: Liverpool STATE/PROV: Merseyside COUNTRY: UK LAT/LONG: 53.4N 2.96W CH1: Willmore MK IIIA; V; 1 Sec. at Cilcain, Powys, Wales, 53.333N 3.25W TEL to Liverpool A TO D: 16 bit SDR OTHER: Also recorded on paper using a helicorder
NAME: Albert Judge (Alby) U-Aug2004 (37) (37) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Perth STATE/PROV: Western Australia COUNTRY: Australia LAT/LONG: 32.04S 116.03E 1) CH1: Z; Geotech S-13; 1 sec CH2: N; Geotech S-13; 1 sec CH3: E; Geotech S-13; 1 sec A TO D: Pentium 200; 16 bit SDR. This is locked to a Truetime GPS, Winquake This system also outputs to a triple drum recorder. 2) CH1: Z; 4.5 Hz Geophone CH2: N; 4.5 Hz Geophone CH3: E; 4.5 Hz Geophone A TO D: Pentium 166 with 18 Bit A/D serial Board. This system is a Geosense PS2 and is excellent for our local events. 3) CH1: Z; Willmore MK11 at 2Sec A TO D: Pentium 133 with 12 Bit A/D. Altered for Long/Medium Period output Ground Type: Laterite over Granite. 4) Remote Station: Location: Chidlow, Western Australia LAT./LONG. : 31.49S 116.16E OPERATOR: Tim Judge CH1: Z; Willmore MK11 A TO D: 12 Bit A/D using Emon 7.2 and Winquake. Ground Type: Laterite over Granite. 5) Portable Seismograph: Geosense PS1 with external Willmore Mk11 1 sec seismometer. A TO D: 16 Bit A/D operating on a Pentium 166 laptop. COMMENTS: Future plans are for a website and two more remote stations planned at Burakin and Ravensthorpe in Western Australia. Main purpose of this network is to monitor activity in the SOUTH WEST SEISMIC ZONE of Western Australia. I have been operating on and off since 1980.
NAME: Roberto E. Pozzo (38) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Nizza Monferrato (AT) STATE/PROV: Piedmont COUNTRY: ITALY LAT/LONG: 44.46N 08.21E CH1: HB; H; LP; 20 sec CH2: HB; V; SP; 2 sec A TO D: ADDA 16 bit atalogger 3 traces on pc; T. Corr. DCF77 LF (77.5 Khz) from Mainflingen, Germany WQ compatible OTHER: chart recorder COMMENTS: Org: Osservatorio Meteosismico Del Monferrato (private) Alt. 140 m a.m.s.l.
NAME: Bob Lewis WA5ONL (39) (39) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Plano STATE/PROV: Texas COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 33.01 N 96.43 W ELEV: 692.110 feet CH1: Geotech 8700C; H-N; LP; 20 sec, .05 Hz CH2: Geotech 4681A; V; SP; 1 Hz (not currently operating) A TO D: Acqutek PA-CP12 12-bit, EMON Timing: Arbiter Systems Model 1084C GPS Time/Freq. Reference Receiver Extended ASCII output keeps PC clock within <10 milliseconds Amplifier: HB, low-power (70 microamps) 3-pole LPF, -18 db @ 0.5 Hz Gain: Amp. gain is 23,400. Magnification as viewed on PC monitor screen is 3860. Ground motion to screen trace) Calibration coil motor constant: .032. Calibration current: 0.6 ma. p-p GND TYPE: "Houston Black Clay" Average depth: 0-70 inches COMMENTS: Seismo on the floor in ham-shack closet
NAME: Karl Cunningham U-Aug2004 (40) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) H-PAGE: TOWN/CITY: La Mesa STATE/PROV: California COUNTRY: USA LAT/LONG: 32.7696N 116.9788W +306M elev. CH1: (KC1) HB; N-S, F/B; short/medium period (0.1Hz - 5Hz) velocity CH2: (KC2) Acceleration output SP; .3Hz - 5Hz CH3: (KC3) Same as Channel 1 but LP; 0.01Hz - 0.5Hz CH4: (KC4) Kinemetrics Ranger SP; 1Hz - 30Hz velocity CH5: (KC5) A low gain output from CH4 sensor A TO D: 16-bit SDR; w/WWVB timing GND TYPE: Granite COMMENTS: PSN filename extensions and sensitivities: KC1 = 1.35e-9m/s/count velocity KC2 = 2.0e-7m/s^2 acceleration KC3 = 1.95e-9m/s/count velocity KC4 = 1.4e-9m/s/count velocity KC5 = 4.5e-7m/s/count velocity Seismo located on concrete garage floor
NAME: Jean-Jacques Hunsinger (41) E-MAIL: or (remove the... antispam ...from addy) HOME PAGE: TOWN: BADEVEL (nearest town : MONTBELIARD) COUNTRY: FRANCE LAT/LONG: 47.50N 7.00E CH1: Kitset; H-N; Lehman; Thermal printer output, 10 mn memory (starts printing when adjusted threshold is reached shows also what occured 10 mn before the trigger) GND TYPE: solid bedrock
Name: Ron Westfall U-Aug2004 (42) E-Mail: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) Town/City: North Vancouver State/Prov: British Columbia Country: Canada Lat/Long: 49.325N 122.996W CH1: HB; H-E; H; P = 15 Sec; Lehman; Pre-amp: ~2500 CH2: HB; H-N; H; P = 15 Sec; Lehman; Pre-amp: ~2500 A to D: 16 bit SDR with GPS time corr. and WQ Ground Type: Concrete basement floor over glacial till mainly sand, some pebbles and cobbles
Name: Clark Wockner (43) E-Mail: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) Town/City: Watseka State/Prov: Illinois Country: USA Lat/long: 40.78N 87.75W CH1: HB; H-E; P = 17 sec; Lehman A to D: SDR and WQ on 386DX40 Ground Type: soils including clay and gravel layers 150 ft to bed rock.
Name: Martin S. Brewer (44) E-Mail: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) Town/City: Warwick Parish State/Prov: Country: Bermuda Lat/long: 32.278N 64.793W CH1: HB; H-N; Lehman; P = 19 sec CH2: HB; H-E; Lehman; P = 15 sec A to D: Larry C's 10 Hz LPF and amp board; 16 bit SDR 1.92; WQ on a 486 DX2/66, 415Mb HDD, 8Mb RAM, PC clock Ground Type: sensor is in the cellar on concrete floor poured directly on bedrock, 100m Tertiary and Pleistocene limestones on basalt seamount
NAME: Giovanni Rotta (45) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Resia STATE/PROV.: Udine COUNTRY: Italy LAT./LONG: 46.22N 13.18E CH1: HB; H-N; Lehman; P = 9 sec; oil damping system .GR1 A to D: 12 bit SDR v.1.8; WQ v.2.3, 32 bit GROUND TYPE: glacial moraine in Alpine Valley COMMENTS: Sensor is temporarily located in my garage.
NAME: Tony Potenzo (46) P.O. Box 698 Kailua-Kona, HI. 96745 E-MAIL: or (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Kailua-Kona STATE/PROV: Hawaii COUNTRY: U.S.A. LAT./LONG: 19.723N 155.991W elev: 400m CH1: HB; H-E; Classic Lehman w/modifications, .KO1 CH2: GS11-D 4.5 Hz vertical geophone, Geo Space .KO2 w/land case and spike- installed in a 4" ABS sewer pipe "T" vault, cemented onto solid basalt bedrock, buried ~15" deep. CH3: Ch.3 (ko3) is a LPF version of Ch.1 filtered with the Max 293 8th-order, LPF 0.1 HZ elliptic, switched-capacitor filter IC from Maxim A to D: 16 bit SDR; Seismic Amp/Filter board (3 ch.) SDR on PC = AMD K-5 133 Mhz 1.3 GB networked to Packard Bell 486SX2 with WQ GROUND TYPE: Sensor on ground floor resting directly on concrete slab on solid lava rock, no soil. COMMENTS: Station is located ~ 8 miles NNE of Kailua-Kona on the steep western slope of Hualalai volcano
Name: Donald Sieber (47) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Boise STATE/PROV.: Idaho COUNTRY: USA LAT./LONG: 43.61N 116.21W Equip: HB; H-NW; 1 Hz; in basement on concrete floor. Unit made of hacksaw blade, pickup coil, and permanent magnet from a hard drive. Open pole. Damped to 3 cycles. Works ok on local quakes but very noisy because of heavy local traffic. (also sensitive to magnetic fields because of open pole design.) PCL 711-s 8ch. ADC to 486DX PC Ch1. B.S.U. remote V 1 Hz seismic station (radio scanner) Ch2. B.S.U. remote V 4.5 Hz g/phone (multiplexed radio) Ch3. B.S.U. remote V 4.5 Hz g/phone (multiplexed radio) Ch4. My home horizontal- designated BOI Ch5. Electrometer for atmospheric E-fields (very active during storms) Ch6. Light sensor for night-time skylight and day haze measurements MISC: Also record background radiation and sunspot activity (Aware geiger) GROUND TYPE: Snake river plain with old volcanic flows nearby (basalt) FORMAT: All station readings are in ascii but convertable to PSN format with a small basic program
Name: Almaden Country School, Middle School Science Classroom (48) System installed and maintained by Ted Blank E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: South San Jose STATE/PROV.: Calif. COUNTRY: USA LAT./LONG: Ch1. COM; HORIZ.; LP; donated by the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. GROUND TYPE: Concrete pad on soil FORMAT: EMON v6.1h, WQ on another PC sitting next to the data collection machine
NAME: Douglas McConnell (49) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) HOMEPAGE: LOCALITY: Bullawa Creek TOWN: Narrabri STATE: New South Wales COUNTRY: Australia LAT./LONG: 30.317S 149.988E CH1: Lehman, onto paper chart GROUND: Concrete slab over soil COMMENTS: Year 10 high school science project, still under construction and testing
NAME: Robert L. Laney U-Jun2004 (50) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Salem STATE: Oregon COUNTRY: USA LAT./LONG: 44.863N 123.031W 401ft (122m) AMSL CH1: HB; W (S80°W); Lehman; .RL1 CH2: HB; N (N10°W); S-G High frequency output; .RL2 CH3: HB; N (N10°W); S-G Low frequency output; .RL3 A to D: 3-chan. ampl/fil brd from L. Cochrane, 16 bit SDR; WWV time corr. GROUND TYPE: Sensors are on concrete floor at ground level. Underlying material is about 20 feet of stream alluvium over Miocene Columbia River Basalt
NAME: Andy Little (F1VBZ) U-Jun2010 (51) E-MAIL: (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Villette F-54260 STATE: COUNTRY: France LAT./LONG: 49.4754N 5.54465E CH1: HB;H-E Lehman, period ~13s, 1ch Infiltec QM-1.0. A to D: Amaseis and WinQuake GROUND TYPE: bedrock (limestone)
NAME: Meredith Lamb (52) E-MAIL: or (remove the... antispam ...from addy) TOWN/CITY: Denver STATE/PROV: Colorado LAT./LONG: 39.703875N 105.0063W ELEV: ~5350' CH1: Com; H-N; P = 20 sec; WWSN Sprengnether, L to M gain CH2: Com; H-E; " CH3: Com; V; " (disassembled; needs TLC repair) STRIP: Various old ink strip chart recorders operating as "conveyor belt" or "drum" recorders. GROUND TYPE: Sedimentary shale outcropping; compacted fine gray particles with a gypsum like bonding. COMMENTS: ~4 miles E. of Rocky Mountains on the front range prairie. Sporadic recording; usually only E-W on Ch2. Suffer from high local "noise"