The clickable names below will take you to the home pages of the authors of the various programs,
some of them are free, others incure a small cost for a registered copy, you sort that out with those
1)SDR/WINQUAKE Here you will find Larry Cochranes contributions
to the software world. One program for data logging.... " SDR "(Seismic Data Recorder) and another
for data analysis.... " WINQUAKE " both are excellent and are in wide use by amateur seismologists
who are doing recording of quakes from home and schools. The Winquake program will display files from
SDR and from the USGS system and with it you are able to identify the various phases, determine the
distance to and the magnitude of the quake.
SEISMIC/ERUPTION This is Alan Jones's latest creation, and is the Windows version of his
earlier DOS based program called " SEISMIC ". It plots earthquake and volcanic activity on beautiful
shaded relief maps covering all parts of the world. You can even create your own custom maps.
3)SEISMIC WAVES This is another
brilliant program from the keyboard of Alan Jones. This program shows the propagation of seismic
waves across the earth's surface and through the earth. It shows the refraction, reflection and
the creation of the different phases within the earth. It uses real quakes and displays the seismograms
of those events recorded at various stations.
I'm sure that there are other packages out there....
If you know of any, e-mail me and let me know what they are about, thanks.
Links of Interest
A selection of short period sensors from around New Zealand This display is operated by the GNS (the NZ Seismological Observatory)
The display updates every 5 minutes. The display shows last 4 hrs of data. clicking on a red dot on the map or the place names below
the map will show the previous 24 hrs of recording for the selected station.
Other Public Seismic Network (PSN) and members of, Homepages
Redwood City Public Seismic Network, in California
Larry Cochrane has an amazing digital seismic recording system, and via his PSN e-mail list
server, all us fanatical and not
quite so nutty amateur seismologists can keep in touch with each other, swapping construction ideas etc.
PSN San Jose, California, This is run by Steve Hammond. The main focus of this PSN site is on
the Lehman seismograph, the history,
and the people that make up the PSN. Feel free to send mean electronic photo to put on the "PSN WALL" that tells the PSN story.
Tony's Hawaiian PSN Station Check out Seismology and Volcanoes from the paradise islands
Frank Cooper, Seismic Station Info. Frank is in Friendswood, Texas, USA
Steve Jones, Seismic Station Info. Steve is in Huntsville, Alabama, USA
Professional Institutions
For the list of the latest worldwide events and moment tensor solutions, one of my most visited sites
Southern California Earthquake Centre
Geophysics Institute, University of Alaska
Lamont Cooperative Seismic Network
Michigan Technological University, Volcanoes Homepage, The Best volcano page I have found to date
Alaska Volcano Observatory
Dave Nelson
page last updated : 09 August 2014
Updated links to software