A Selection Of My Test Gear
One can't play on the UHF and microwave bands without at least a little reasonable test gear.
Pic 1 ... Amongst the bench chaos .... top left the trusty HP432A Powermeter with 18GHz Sensor,
added to the collection in Dec 2009
Lower left a Yaesu YP150 Power Meter -- up to 150W and 150 MHz.
Upper and middle right -- An Oskerblock SWR200 for 6 metres and a MFJ Versa Tuner II for HF

Pic 2 ... Upper Left is my Boonton Model 42BB Powermeter, below it the 2.8 GHz Cntr. Both added to the collection in 2007.
The Marconi TF2015, 10MHz - 520MHz, AM/FM Signal Generator is an older unit now but still performs well and has
earned its keep on many occassion. A real bargin for $25 at a Hamfest.
Upper Center, various attenuators and directional coupler and a 150MHz to 3GHz plugin for the HP counter
Upper Right - Tektronix 465B, 100MHz scope, Middle - a Scientific Atlanta Analog Sat Tuner - great for ATV
Lower Right - HP 5248L Freq Counter with the plugin currently installed it covers 3.0 - 12.4 GHz. The counter is quite an old unit,
dating back to the 1970's, and it uses the old nixie tube type of display. The unit is also quite heavy and I cringe having to take it
anywhere, but it works well and I couldn't do without it for tuning up Gunn units etc. The fellow microwaver I purchased it off,
Mark VK2XOF, replaced it with a somewhat more compact 1980's HP model. Without this freq cntr my 10GHz activities would
be very difficult. One good feature of this counter is that it has a tuneable cavity on the input. So unlike a normal counter which
will just lock onto and display the strongest signal. I can tune this counter across a wide freq. range and check for all signals
present and see their relative strengths. Very Handy!!.

Pic 3 ... This is my Tektronix 2715 Spectrum Analyser that I added to the collection in 2008. It does 9kHz to 1.8GHz and
gets much use tuning up Local Oscillators and checking their performance. Of course its also great for checking tranceivers
up to the 23cm band. One day I hope to get a replacement that preferably goes to at least 10GHz.

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Page created 10 May 2006
Updated 23 Jan 2010 (Revision of images with new test gear)