Storms of 11 Jan 2006
Several Cells Across Western Sydney
Click on images below for full size pics
The first storms developed over the far western Sydney suburbs. I was able to get up onto the roof
carpark at Westfields, Blacktown to observe and film their arrival. The first and largest of the two cells
passed to my south, dropping most of its rain and lightning over the south side of Blacktown.
The front of the cell even started to develop some structure for a while .. foto 3.
The second cell hit central Blacktown square on. Both dumped a lot of heavy rain.
A couple of hours later whilst travelling from Blacktown to Liverpool via the Cumberland Hwy, I was
able to see the formation of a good looking cell.
As time went by, a whole wall of cells built up in the west. These cells did produce some good
storms over the mountains but they never made it down into the Sydney area.
Below: Lightning Tracker/Radar and Satellite images courtesy of Weatherzone and BOM
copyright Dave Nelson 2006
Updated 22 Oct 2006