Storms of 19 Oct 2006
Singleton - Muswellbrook region, upper Hunter Valley, NSW
With an inkling of possible activity in the above region, I was fortunate to get an out of town job in
Singleton. By the time I arrived at the jobsite, mid-morning the towers were already going up to the
north. I got the job finished as soon as possible and checked on the weather radar using the laptop
and my mobile internet. Activity still looked best to the north, so I headed for Muswellbrook to await
the activity.
It became a "bust" day. The cells I saw earlier probably did produce some activity but it was over
inaccessable territory NE of Muswellbrook and to the coast. Had I gone up the coast to the Taree -
Forster region I could have intercepted them. Nothing else eventuated between Newcastle and
Sydney so I headed back to the city.
copyrite Dave Nelson 2007
Created 24 Aug 2007