Storms of 11 Dec 2006

Storms of 11 Dec 2006

A busy 4 session day

Seeing towers going up in the west from the workshop roof carpark by lunch time was a good sign
and a promise of good things to come. I wasn't to be disappointed.

Left 2 pix from workshop roof, right pic mobile in Nth Sydney

Mid-afternoon from Top Ryde S/C carpark and the cells were growing rapidly and getting closer.

With Cindy and Sam in tow we had a brief stop at Mobbs Lookout, Carlingford, before heading to Seven Hills

Arriving at the rooftop carpark at Centro Seven Hills in time for the first storm arrival around 5-6pm.
Only got a brief burst of rain there as we were on the nthrn edge of that cell. Yes Dave C., I saw that
rippled base too and thought this could be good!!. The rooftop gave a good 360 deg clear view.
Captured some good CG's from the first cell as it passd to the south of us and then over the top of
Auburn. A smaller cell passed almost directly overhead and produced a few good CG's. There was
a large cell passing across the NW of the city and could be seen on the radar to be moving from ~
Lithgow towards Gosford.

At home to edit the avi movie clips, it was ~ 7pm when a loud rumble of thunder got me away from the
computer to see what was happening outside. There was a cell moving in from the west and heading
virtually right for me in West Ryde. Proceeded to capture a bunch more lightning strikes. VERY active.
and 5 minute burst of heavy rain (no hail).
The 4th session for the evening took us (Sam and I) up to the Dural area where yet another active
cell passed across the far northern areas of the city. Although I didn’t get any pix from this activity,
it was a treat to watch the good zaps across the sky as CC's and CG's.
Yes, for a period of time it was quite active. At least comparable with the storm we watched from
Seven Hills ~ the 1700-1800hrs EDT. But it didnt last as long main activity period maybe 30-45mins.
In fact, in the ~ 30mins it took to get from the Paramatta River jetty (at the end of Wharf Rd, West Ryde)
to Dural, the activity had dropped to maybe only 25% of what was being observed during the travel to
Dural. We saw regular and good CC's and CG's on the way up the hill but by the time we found some-
-where to park that had a view and no streetlights, were disappointed by the lack of activity (~ 2130 EDT).

The 1st cell ( the one obs. from Seven Hills) had the best looking base ... also commented on by Dave Croan
and others. The 2nd cell ( the one passing over home ~7-8pm) was definately the most electrically active.

copyrite Dave Nelson 2007
Created 12 Feb 2008

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