Storms of 10 Feb 2007

Storms of 10 Feb 2007

Chase south to Mittagong area and back to Picton

Sam, Cindy and I, stormchased to Mittagong. We intercepted the gustfront a couple of km
south of the nthrn Mittagong turnoff. Lots of CC’s and CG’s, most buried in the rain and
cloud. After the mainpart passed overhead we turned around and followed it north. Turning
off the freeway and up through Bargo and Picton. There were several times when the rain
was torrential making the nite driving very difficult.

The approaching Shelf / gustfront in 1st and 2nd pic's

Many intense CG’s with loud thunder cracks. We stopped at the rest area on top of the hill to
the nth of Picton. From under the shelter captured several major, close CG’s. Truely exciting
and almost scarey when they are that close and intense.

The last stop was on the Appin Rd, SE of Campbelltown, capturing one more exc. CG. (last 2 pix)

copyrite Dave Nelson 2007
Created 15 Feb 2008

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