Storms of 23 Feb 2007
Cindy was with me for the work day. We observed the start of towers going up late morning and
into afternoon. Whilst in the Wetherill Park area, western Sydney, we saw a couple of growing
cells that became anvilled. One of the cells really exploded in size.
After finishing work, and getting home to get our own car, Cindy and I chased sth of Mittagong.
As we travelled south we saw many cells forming, some had reasonable bases. Some of them
were shortlived. Around 10 km S of the Mittagong exit we watched a cell growing for a while
before travelling a bit further SW to Medway, several km’s west of the main highway. Definitely
one of the highlight chases of the season. It also showed me the best ever seen “clear air” CG.
It came out of the anvil and back across the updraught and out into clear air behind the storm.
From Wetherill Park, wstrn Sydney
From Hume Hwy south bound, north of Mittagong
From Hume Hwy south bound, south of Mittagong
From Medway