Storms of 24 Feb 2007

Storms of 24 Feb 2007

Chase to Colovale

A Saturday chase to Mittagong area. The atmosphere was very unstable today with multiple cells
forming along the ranges. Approaching the Colovale-Hilltop exit I could already see strong CG's
striking and I knew I wasnt going to get as far as Mittagong. Intercepting the storm at Colovale area
just north of Mittagong, I took that exit and found a clear viewing area. Initially I was standing outside
the car videoing the CG's till a couple of very intense and quite close ones had me scrambling for
the safty of the car. I stayed in this area for ~ 20 mins before moving north up the main road to a safe
stopping area out of the rain and did some more captures. When the rain got heavy there, I again
moved north to the Picton exit for more pics, before finally heading home. An excellent Chase !!

From M4 westbound then Hume Hwy southbound

From Hume Hwy southbound, north of Mittagong

From Colovale Exit, A sample of the lightning strikes.

From Picton Rd exit

copyrite Dave Nelson 2008
Created 12 Apr 2008

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