Storms of 18 November 2007

Storms of 18 November 2007

Cindy and I chased to the Canberra region for day 2 of chasing. We met up with fellow chaser Jimmy Deguara in
Gouldburn for breakfast. Jimmy decided to head towards Braidwood. Cindy and I headed towards Cooma via
Canberra and Queanbeyan. We were approaching Queanbeyan when we saw the first anvils forming to our south.

1st 2 pix approaching Queanbeyan, 3rd pic growing anvil from the Jerrabomberra Turnoff.

Monaro Hwy, Williamsdale to Bredbo area.

South of Bredbo. We met up with Jimmy here ... the Braidwood diversion didnt work out for him and he decided
to come south. Although the sky looked threatening it didnt really unleash. Captured a few CG's. The really
interesting feature was watching the outflow from the older cells becoming the inflow of the new cells
forming further east. Then seeing these cells fire up with a few zaps of lightning.

We finally headed back north stopping again around the Jerrabomberra turnoff to photo some nice rain shafts
and a new cell firing a few zaps. But the day wasnt over yet.... travelling the Federal Hwy through to the Lake
George Parish lookout there are several large cells visible to the NE.

Just north of Gouldburn we stopped and photo'ed another large cell.

copyrite Dave Nelson 1996
Created 26 Dec., 2009

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