Storms of 04 December 2007

Storms of 04 December 2007

Yet another very busy day for storm chasing today, work took me down to the Narellan area.
This worked out well as by mid morning the towers were already firing up in the west. There
was plenty to photo as I headed down the M5 towards Narellan

Travelling north on the M5, new larger cells growing out over Campbelltown
Further up the M5, east of the tollgate, a "cute" stand-alone cell (Pic 5)

Yet another large cell
Northbound on 1 - Fairford Rd towards Bankstown; 2 - Rookwood Rd; 3 - Silverwater Rd; 4 - East on Victoria Rd

More cells from the west, viewed from Wharf and Home
Went up to Carlingford for a short time and videoed some lightning -- not overly active

copyrite Dave Nelson 1996
Created 27 Dec., 2009
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