My Online Seismograms

I am recording 6 channels in total. INYO high gain (centred ~ 20 sec period), INYO low gain (centred ~ 5 sec period).
A homebrew Lehman N-S orientation (centred ~ 10 sec period) and the 3 x 4.5Hz geophones

The first seismogram is of my Inyo-2 FBV ( Force Balanced Vertical) seismometer that went online 20 Oct 2013.
It has a HPF of 0.04Hz and a LPF of 0.1 Hz. Its primary purpose is for recording teleseismic events.
The Inyo is on a 0.03 metre thick, 1 metre square concrete pad in soil under the house.

It is in an airtight containment that stops air pressure variation problems, but am still having hassles with temperature
changes. This is particularly noticeable in the early morning hours (4am - 8am) of cold winter nights and results in the
seismometer going into self oscillation for several hours till the morning warms up after sunrise.

The second seismogram is one of my three 4.5Hz geophone seismometers, namely, the east-west channel.
The geophone is one of a tri-axis set which is buried just below ground level
below the house. It suffers from some "people" noise. The joys of domestic seismology !! haha

Both seismometers are in an urban setting at my home in inner west Sydney. 33.808 S, 151.071 E and 28m AMSL.

This is INYO Low gain seismogram
This is Lehman seismogram
This is the Vertical Geophone seismogram

From here, you can go to the main quake page, or go to my Home Page.

Last Updated 17 June 2015

Questions? Comments? Mail me, Dave Nelson, at: