Welcome to Electric Skys
The joy and the adrenaline rush of being out observing and photographing nature at its wildest
Hearing those loud, sharp cracks of thunder of a close lightning strike
The WOW factor of watching a huge rotating supercell
Those are some of the reasons why my wife Cindy and I love to chase storms
Observed Storms and Chase Diary

Note: Some of the latest chase diary pages are started -
but are under construction with only some of the chases so far listed
Pics of cloud types assoc. with storms
Just for Fun .... Storm Jigsaw Puzzle Page
Links to other weather sites
NOTE: You are welcome to use my pics on your storm chasing www sites only if....
1)... you dont crop the image removing my name
2)... you give appropriate accreditation
thanks kindly,
email me for my phone # I would like to meet up with other storm chasers/photographers
I highly recommend the Weatherzone site for up to date weather news, radar and lightning tracking for storms.
AWESOME site guys, keep up the great work!!
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Email me
Last updated: 29 July 2009 : © Dave Nelson 2004
Updated... Major page overhaul, and link to here from electricskys.com domain name